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U.S. National Debt:

A Vacation or a Misnomer?

Congress is in a state work period for the month of August.  Despite the term “recess” often used to describe this time, it does not mean a vacation from congressional duties.  Instead, senators and representatives return to their state or district to conduct on-the-ground meetings.  I am currently traveling throughout Idaho meeting with residents from every corner of the state.  So far, I have:

  • Visited with veteran leaders in Minidoka and Cassia counties;
  • Presented a Congressional Record Statement to Idaho Alzheimer’s advocates honoring their hard work in advancing their advocacy efforts in the Gem State;
  • Hosted a news conferencein the Magic Valley with local pharmacists and mental health professionals to discuss my legislation to cut prescription drug prices; and
  • Visited the Porthill Port of Entry, which continues operating on limited hours.  I am a co-sponsor of Senator Risch’s legislationto require Customs and Border Protection to return all northern ports of entry to--at a minimum--pre-pandemic hours for the purposes of commerce and national security.

Work continues to meet with more Idahoans in the state.  You can keep up with my visits on FacebookTwitterand Instagram.  I look forward to taking your thoughts, concerns and issues with me back to Washington when the August work period concludes.  If you wish to share additional thoughts with me, please use the EMAIL ME form on my WEBSITE.

Lowering Prescription Drug Costs, Expanding Trade, Providing for the Common Defense

Prior to the start of the August state work period, I was busy in Congress making your voice heard on a number of priorities.

  • Advancing Legislation to Lower Prescription Drug Costs:The Senate Finance Committee, on which I serve as Ranking Member, advanced my legislation to help lower out-of-pocket prescription costs for patients.  The Modernizing and Ensuring Pharmacy Benefit Manager Accountability Act (MEPA) brings more transparency, accountability and competition to the drug supply chain, particularly where pharmacy benefit managers are concerned.  This legislation will empower consumers, plans, providers and pharmacies to make informed, cost-effective and clinically appropriate decisions.  You can read more on my website here.  We are continuing work on additional provisions, and I look forward to advancing these important policies through the full Senate.
  • Expanding Trade and Strengthening Ties with Taiwan: As we continue to stand up to China’s economic aggression in the Asia-Pacific region, our relationship with Taiwan is even more critical.  Taiwan is Idaho’s second largest trade partner, accounting for the purchase of more than $470 million in Idaho products in 2021.  The Senate passed my legislation with Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) to set robust transparency and consultation requirements for any future agreements negotiated under the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade.  This would ensure the Biden Administration does not conduct a go-it-alone trade agenda, and would promote American interests in trade with the country.  Deepening our ties with Taiwan and its vibrant democracy is important for strengthening our long-term partnership, and Idaho businesses and producers stand to gain from improved access into Taiwan’s market.  You can read more on my website HEREand HERE.
  • Providing for the Common Defense: Congress passed, with my support, the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), fulfilling Congress’s constitutional duty to “provide for the common defense.”  The FY 2024 NDAA delivers much-needed resources for both our active servicemembers and veterans.  The bill includes a number of provisions important to the state of Idaho in final passage, all of which you can read about here on my website.  It also included my bill to expand the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act coverage to Idaho and other western states, providing justice to downwinders affected by radiation from nuclear testing.  I continue pressing for passage of my Fighter Force Preservation and Recapitalization Act, which prevents closure of Air National Guard fighter squadrons at a time when pilot and maintenance manning are at critically low levels.