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U.S. National Debt:


Bill #
Bill Description
Sponsored — A bill to extend the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000.

Cosponsored — STOP Using Human Shields Act

Sponsored — TRIP Act

Cosponsored — A bill to amend title 49, United States Code, to authorize grants from the small airport fund for the construction or improvement of a nonapproach control tower.

Sponsored — A bill to modify the boundaries of the Pole Creek Wilderness, the Owyhee River Wilderness, and the North Fork Owyhee Wilderness, and for other purposes.

Cosponsored — Music Modernization Act

Cosponsored — United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2018

Cosponsored — A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide that the volume cap for private activity bonds shall not apply to bonds for facilities for furnishing of water and sewage facilities.

Cosponsored — A bill to require the Secretary of Labor to award grants to organizations for the provision of transition assistance to members of the Armed Forces who are separated, retired, or discharged from the Armed Forces, and spouses of such members, and for other purposes.

Sponsored — A bill to amend title 10, United States Code, to improve the Transition Assistance Program for members of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes.

Cosponsored — Recovering America's Wildlife Act

Cosponsored — A bill to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to address the protective custody of alien children accompanied by parents, and for other purposes.

Cosponsored — A bill to limit the separation of families seeking asylum in the United States and expedite the asylum process for individuals arriving in the United States with children.

Cosponsored — Stephen Michael Gleason Congressional Gold Medal Act

Cosponsored — Health Insurance Tax Relief Act of 2018

Cosponsored — Modernizing Agricultural Transportation Act

Sponsored — A bill to amend the Horse Protection Act to designate additional unlawful acts under the Act, strengthen penalties for violations of the Act, improve Department of Agriculture enforcement of the Act, and for other purposes.

Sponsored — Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act

Cosponsored — A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exempt Indian tribal governments and other tribal entities from the employer health coverage mandate during the time the employer health coverage mandate exists.