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U.S. National Debt:
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  • Everyone in Idaho - and throughout the country - somehow feels the effects of the current economic recession. Many individuals and families have dramatically reduced spending... Continue Reading
  • July 16, 2009


    "Under current law, the federal budget is on an unsustainable path" -Congressional Budget Office, Long-Term Budget Outlook, June 2009 The federal budget is growing larger and... Continue Reading
  • "Access to a waiting list is not access to health care" -Canadian Supreme Court, 2005 Each summer, many people eagerly await the release of the latest blockbuster movies.... Continue Reading
  • July 01, 2009


    There is an old adage: If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. This may be the case with a number of taxpayers who are now reaping a small benefit from the American... Continue Reading
  • June 24, 2009


    "There! His Majesty can now read my name without glasses. And he can double the reward on my head!" -Attributed to John Hancock upon signing the Declaration of... Continue Reading
  • The Internet has brought members of Congress, and the people who elected them, closer than ever before.   Since it is important that elected officials know what the people... Continue Reading
  • Last year at this time, Americans were watching as the price of oil climbed above $120 a barrel. Four dollars a gallon gasoline was causing "pain at the pump," and Americans... Continue Reading
  • June 04, 2009


    In a speech to the Northwest Energy Coalition conference recently I said that the conjoined issues of energy, water and anadromous fish recovery in the Pacific Northwest will... Continue Reading
  • We in Idaho understand the importance of agriculture to the state, but many of us don't understand the importance of trade to agriculture. Most of Idaho's agricultural... Continue Reading
  • When you go home Tell them for us and say For your tomorrow We gave our... Continue Reading
  • Idaho's Congressional delegation, even as it changes over the years, has a strong, bipartisan history of working together to address many of the important issues facing... Continue Reading
  • Throughout the year America does much to honor the service and sacrifice of our military members and their families. We observe many holidays including National Military... Continue Reading
  • In 2007, the U.S. Department of Health and Human services estimated that over 790,000 children in the United States had been maltreated, that is, subject to neglect, physical... Continue Reading
  • Today, America continues to grapple with how best to ensure future generations have access to abundant natural resources while evaluating global warming mitigation strategies... Continue Reading
  • As many Idahoans know, energy and climate change issues continue to dominate discussions about our future, our economy and our security. During the recent consideration of the... Continue Reading
  • Tax season tends to be a time when people think more often about their personal finances-savings, investments, income and expenditures. This year, turmoil in the economy and... Continue Reading
  • March 19, 2009


    On March 18, high school students and mayors from Caldwell and Nampa presented me with a petition signed by over 400 Treasure Valley students, indicating support for a... Continue Reading
  • On March 11, I reintroduced legislation to permanently extend the 15 percent tax rate (0 percent on those in the two lowest income tax brackets) on capital gains and dividends... Continue Reading
  • Lives and activities of many remarkable individuals comprise the rich tapestry that is the history of Idaho. From the time that Idaho was simply part of a vast frontier to the... Continue Reading
  • President Barack Obama addressed a joint session of Congress on February 24 and delivered his budget outline on February 26. I once again hold a seat on the Senate Budget... Continue Reading