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U.S. National Debt:
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  • February 27, 2008


    The more that you read, the more things you will know.  The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.                 -Dr. Seuss Theodore Seuss Geisel, known... Continue Reading
  • For over a century, Idaho cattle families have been providing high-quality beef products to consumers at home and, in recent decades, markets abroad. With the exception of a... Continue Reading
  • What's a trillion? National Public Radio's Science Friday calculated that one trillion dollars would buy 1,000 boxes of Girl Scout cookies for every person in the United... Continue Reading
  • Last week, 22 states held political party presidential primaries. This historical event followed early primaries and caucuses in seven other states. Such events help states... Continue Reading
  • January 31, 2008


    February 1 was National Wear Red Day, a day to wear red in order to raise awareness of heart disease, and February is American Heart Month, a time when many national, state... Continue Reading
  • Over the past eight years, I've made the crime of teen dating violence a legislative and public awareness priority. Today, dating violence is a definition of domestic violence... Continue Reading
  • According to the Census bureau in October 2003, 69 percent of Idaho households had a computer and 56 percent had Internet access. Since that time, Internet use has only... Continue Reading
  • January 09, 2008


    As we begin 2008, many people have "lose weight" on their resolution lists. For some, these extra pounds are the result of more than one family dinner of traditional "comfort... Continue Reading
  • December 12, 2007


    Procrastination is rarely a good thing. It's especially troublesome when it's the U.S. Congress and the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). Most people now know the history: The... Continue Reading
  • The early season snows that have come to parts of Idaho this year are generally a good thing, but they also bring home the hard reality of rising energy costs. We're already... Continue Reading
  • "Here, then, there was a cessation from toil, from hunger, and alarm. Past ills and dangers were forgotten. The hunt, the game, the song, the story, the rough though... Continue Reading
  • Not too many years ago, Idaho doctors still made house calls, spending considerable parts of their days (and nights) visiting patients and getting to know their families. That... Continue Reading
  • November 14, 2007


    Although verifiable facts about our first Thanksgiving are few, they have proven fertile ground for myths, stories and traditions that have taken root over the past 386... Continue Reading
  • "A man who has nothing which he is willing to fight for, nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of... Continue Reading
  • For almost 75 years, the federal government has worked with U.S. agriculture producers to keep domestic food supplies robust and affordable, preserve food security and promote... Continue Reading
  • October 24, 2007


    This time of year, many Idahoans take to the woods and fields to fill their elk, deer, bear, or mountain lion tags as well as hunting waterfowl and upland game. Whether bow or... Continue Reading
  • October 17, 2007


    "The history of taxation shows that taxes which are inherently excessive are not paid. The high rates inevitably put pressure upon the taxpayer to withdraw his capital from... Continue Reading
  • October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month; the perfect time to highlight progress we've made and the rough road ahead in our march against domestic violence.    We've come... Continue Reading
  • Did you know that nearly half (49%) of the half-a-million households in Idaho own at least one mutual fund? That is approximately $35 billion in mutual fund assets for those... Continue Reading
  • September 19, 2007


    September 18 th marked 60 years of an independent United States Air Force. This independence was necessary then, and remains so now in order that, in the recent words of Major... Continue Reading