Guest column submitted by U.S. Senator Mike Crapo
A message I have heard clearly from Idahoans in the town meetings I have been holding across our great state and in discussions with Idaho producers and agricultural leaders is the current Farm Bill is not broken and does not require major changes. I have approached the current effort in Congress to reauthorize the Farm Bill with this principle in mind. While Farm Bills have largely been bipartisan, the Senate passed its version of the 2018 Farm Bill with the most bipartisan vote in recent history. This overwhelmingly, bipartisan vote, of 86-11, for this legislation that generally maintains the support for American agricultural production in current law recognizes the need to get a new Farm Bill reauthorized without delay due to the slump in the farm economy.
Many farmers and ranchers are struggling through multi-year low prices. Farm incomes are half of what they were just a few years ago. They are working hard to feed their families, employees, fellow Idahoans and consumers around the world while facing increased pressure from high input costs, decreased farm revenues, more demands on land and water, weather uncertainty and more. I supported passage of S. 3042, the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, known as the Senate version of the 2018 Farm Bill, that backs farmers and ranchers by maintaining a fair floor of support for producers while increasing resources for selling American farm products overseas.
Differences between the House and Senate versions of the Farm Bill are now to be worked out in a House-Senate conference for final consideration of the legislation. I have stressed often that the Farm Bill affects a wide swath of federal policy far beyond traditional agricultural commodity programs. Federal nutrition, conservation, rural development, energy, world market access, forestry, specialty crop, organics and many other programs are part of the Farm Bill. The Senate Farm Bill includes a number of provisions of importance to Idaho communities.
Debate will continue over reforms to keep federal nutrition programs solvent, but I expect we will have a strong, bipartisan show of support for our farmers in the final vote on the Farm Bill legislation. As the final legislation is ironed out, I will continue to work to ensure Idaho producers’ concerns and priorities are addressed as I press for enactment of a strong law best enabling Idaho farmers and ranchers to continue to put high-quality food on all of our tables while sustaining critical land and water resources.
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Word Count: 600