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U.S. National Debt:


Fairfield, Rexburg students chosen for U.S. Senate Youth Program

Washington, DC - Two Idaho students will receive $5000 scholarships and a visit to the nation's capital as part of the United States Senate Scholarship Youth Program. Idaho Senator Mike Crapo said Monica Cutler of Fairfield and Jordan Lofthouse of Rexburg were chosen from hundreds of applicants to be among the 104 student delegates to the Youth Program's Washington Week in March. Cutler and Fairfield's academic record had to rank in the top one-percent of their class to be chosen to participate.

"Monica's and Jordan's academic record had to rank in the top one-percent of their class to be chosen to participate," Crapo noted. "They will enjoy a memorable experience here in Washington. They will attend meetings and briefings with Senate leadership, my fellow Senators and other Congressional staff-even members of the Supreme Court and, potentially, President Bush. The scholarship means they can continue their development and interests in public service than one day will benefit all Idahoans."

Cutler attends Camas County High School in Fairfield, where she is president and events coordinator for various school programs, Varsity Cheer Captain, and a member of 4-H and the local student council. She also excels in extra-curricular activities like Young Life, church functions and volunteer efforts.

Lofthouse attends Madison High School in Rexburg, where he is president of the Symphonic Orchestra and Scholastic Team. He is an Eagle Scout and member of the National Honor Society and many other groups, including All-State Orchestra and Boys State and the Idaho National Lab scholastic team. He was the 2004 Idaho State Geography Bee Champion.

The United States Senate Youth Program was established in 1962 to bringing two students per state to Washington for extensive study of operations of the federal government. The program is sponsored by the U.S. Senate and funded by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation. In addition to the training and meetings March 1-8, each student receives a $5,000 college scholarship with encouragement to continue studies in government affairs.

Chosen as Idaho's alternates for the 2008 program were Scott Howard of St. Anthony and Joseph Thiel of Idaho Falls. Further details about the United States Senate Scholarship Youth Program can be found at