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U.S. National Debt:

Crapo Attends White House Meeting on Iran Sanctions

Says U.S. must not lose leverage in negotiations

Washington, D.C. - Idaho Senator Mike Crapo, the top Republican on the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, today attended a meeting at the White House led by President Obama to discuss steps the administration is taking concerning international negotiations on Iran's nuclear program.  Leaders from the Banking Committee, which has jurisdiction over sanctions, as well as the Foreign Relations and Armed Services Committees, met with President Obama and chief administration negotiators one day before diplomats are scheduled to begin another round of talks regarding the future of Iran's nuclear program.  During the two-hour meeting, issues and concerns from all perspectives were thoroughly discussed.

"Sanctions are clearly working and brought Iran to the negotiating table, and we must maintain our leverage moving forward," Crapo said.  "I continue to be concerned with Iran's nuclear enrichment program and how it will be dismantled.  The consequences of this decision and the resultant negotiations are enormous.  The U.S. must maintain existing sanctions pressure until Iran takes concrete, verifiable steps on enrichment and any related ballistic missile programs."