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U.S. National Debt:

Crapo Captures Healthcare Technology Upgrades For Idaho

Senate outlines funding for hospitals and education centers

Washington, DC - Needed funding to bolster technology at healthcare facilities and education centers was approved today, announced Idaho Senator Mike Crapo, who shepherded the funding through the Fiscal Year 2007 Labor-Health and Human Services Appropriations bill. "Technology upgrades and helping our medical centers provide the best care to patients should be a top priority," said Crapo. "These projects will help deliver the highest quality of healthcare access and ensure accuracy for both doctors and patients. Helping medical centers achieve electronic medical record systems is an exciting prospect and I look forward to seeing these projects progress." Healthcare and education priorities for Idaho that received funding approval through this bill include: • $250,000 for the Magic Valley Regional Medical Center Information Technology Enhancement Plan to update technological demands on the facility. • $100,000 will help the Gritman Medical Center maintain a network that allows physicians and their staffs to access patient information, medical information resources, and a physician office electronic medical record (EMR). The funding was approved today through the Labor-Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee and will now move to the full Appropriations Committee for further consideration. FOR INTERESTED MEDIA: A radio actuality is available by calling 1-800-545-1267. Press 327 at any time during or after the greeting and instructions. You can also access the actuality through the Internet at in the Radio Links.