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Crapo Expects Agreement On Kempthorne For Interior Secretary

Governor, Senator meet in Crapoâ??s Capitol Hill office

Washington, DC â?? Idaho Senator Mike Crapo met with Idaho Governor Dirk Kempthorne on Capitol Hill today as Kempthorne seeks confirmation as the Presidentâ??s nominee for Interior Secretary. The half-hour meeting covered a range of topics including Crapoâ??s recently-introduced legislation to strengthen the Endangered Species Act, the Collaboration for the Recovery of the Endangered Species Act (CRESA), and the possibility of legislation dealing with the Owyhee Canyonlands.â??The Governor, having served in the U.S. Senate, is so well-liked and respected by his former colleagues on both sides of the aisle that I expect his nomination will be trouble-free and proceed swiftly,â?? Crapo said. â??The only problems that may arise would be through political battles that donâ??t have anything to do with Dirk himself. If some issue of the day appears at the same time as his confirmation, the two could be linked simply because they are happening at the same time.â??Kempthorneâ??s confirmation hearings are expected to begin May 4th. Crapo noted he has a number of issues he is â??looking forward to working with Secretary Kempthorne on,â?? and many of them were discussed today. Crapo said his recently-introduced bill to offer reforms on the Endangered Species Act mirrors ideas Kempthorne introduced while serving in the U.S. Senate. And, Crapo noted Kempthorne as Secretary of the Interior would be a strong partner in the Owyhee Initiative legislation Crapo is preparing which would preserve land use and economic well-being in Owyhee County.