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U.S. National Debt:

Crapo Mourns Passing of Helen Chenoweth-Hage

Washington, DC â?? Idaho Senator Mike Crapo issued this statement tonight regarding the passing of former Idaho Representative Helen Chenoweth-Hage. Crapo served with Chenoweth-Hage in the U.S. House. â??There will never be another public servant in Idaho like Helen. I served alongside her in the House of Representatives and worked on many issues with her, from fighting federal mandates in North Idaho to fighting for our military at Mountain Home and Gowen Field.â??Idahoans have lost a true champion for smaller government and personal freedoms. Helen brought Idaho into the national spotlight. She stood tough on the issues and spoke out often, even after she left the House.â??I will miss her and I know Idahoans will miss the leadership and courage she brought to Congress. She set the bar high for all of us who work in public service. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of her family and extended family members.â??# # #