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U.S. National Debt:

Crapo Moves Idaho Projects Into Water Bill

Lewiston, Orofino, Snake River & Little Wood communities all benefit

Washington, DC - Idaho Senator Mike Crapo has included a number of Idaho water-related projects and a plan to assist wildlife in the committee markup of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) for Fiscal Year 2005 and S. 2547, the Migratory Bird Treaty Reform Act of 2004. The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee approved the legislation today. Crapo is a member of the committee, and chairs the Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, and Water. â??Idaho water projects and increased potential for water-based recreation are major winners in the legislation the Environment and Public Works Committee has adopted today,â?? Crapo said. â??We are authorizing and finding funds for projects from Fort Hall to Dworshak Reservoir and the Port of Lewiston and at the same time sending more help for communities with water and wastewater infrastructure issues.â??Crapo today assisted with the authorization of funds for:· Gooding area: Stabilization of the Little Wood River banks near Gooding which are deteriorating, ·Orofino area: Increasing recreation facilities at Dworshak Reservoir. including houseboat moorage and boat ramp extensions·Lewiston: Offering more potential for recreational boating and commercial leasing in Lewiston by consideration changes for the facilities at the Port of Lewiston that could bring new dollars and new tenants to the port; ·Studying the Upper Snake River near Fort Hall to study effects on wildlife, infrastructure, and water channels stemming from river diversions initially caused by the failure of the Teton Dam. Crapo also won approval for language exempting the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) from additional fees for the use of federally-owned dam projects. Because BPA directly funds operation and maintenance costs, the fee would have been a double charge that could have increased costs to BPA and ultimately ratepayers. He convinced committee members to approve more flexibility for needed dredging and maintenance near the Port of Lewiston. He also won language aimed at furthering volunteer work at wildlife refuges, strengthening efforts to protect migratory birds, and reauthorizing funding for migratory bird programs, all a part of legislation authorized by the committee today. # # #FOR INTERESTED MEDIA: A radio actuality is available by calling 1-800-545-1267. Press 327 at any time during or after the greeting and instructions. You can also access the actuality through the Internet at .