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Crapo Named Co-Chairman Of Senate Energy Caucus

Will be Top Republican on Senate Renewables and Energy Efficiency Caucus

Washington, DC - Idaho Senator Mike Crapo has been named the new Co-Chairman of the U.S. Senate Renewables and Energy Efficiency Caucus for the 111th Congress. The Co-Chairmanship was passed to Crapo by Senator Wayne Allard (R-Colorado), who was the previous Co-Chair and founder of the caucus. The chairmanship puts Crapo in a leading role to advocate for nuclear energy issues at the Idaho National Laboratory, as well as further development of renewable energy sources like geothermal, wind and solar power. Crapo will Co-Chair the Caucus with Senators Byron Dorgan (D-North Dakota) and Joe Lieberman (I-Connecticut).

"I have long admired the work of Senator Allard in forming and developing the Caucus over the years and am honored to be chosen as the next Co-Chair," said Crapo. "Regardless of political affiliation, we can all agree that developing a sound domestic energy plan that provides an adequate supply of clean and affordable energy is a benefit to our nation. I look forward, along with Senators Dorgan and Lieberman, to educating members and promoting renewable energy and efficiency measures in the upcoming Congress to achieve that goal.

"Idaho is one of the nation's leaders in renewable energy," Crapo continued. "It has significant and developed hydropower, wind, and geothermal energy resources, which has led it to have one of the five lowest per capita and total emissions profiles of any state. The research being done on these technologies, as well as energy efficiency, biofuels, and alternative energy resources such as nuclear power at the Idaho National Laboratory, University of Idaho, Boise State and Idaho State Universities is remarkable and nationally recognized."

"The critical work of the Senate Renewables and Energy Efficiency Caucus has never been timelier and I am very pleased to leave the group in extraordinarily capable hands," said Allard. "It was an honor to be one of the co-founders of the Caucus and to have served as Co-Chairman. I am proud of our work and the awareness we have raised throughout the country regarding sources of renewable energy and facilitated a productive dialogue in the Senate as well as with the White House and industry representatives. Under the leadership of Senators Dorgan, Lieberman and now Senator Crapo, the Caucus will be led by strong advocates for renewable energy. I wish each of them, and the entire Caucus, the very best."

"Making investments in homegrown, renewable energy will create new jobs here at home, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and strengthen our economic and national security," said Dorgan. "I congratulate Senator Mike Crapo for being named Co-Chairman, and look forward to working with him and our other colleagues as we push for more renewable energy in the next session of Congress."

"Senator Allard's commitment to expanding the availability of renewable resources has been a tremendous asset to the Caucus and I thank him for his leadership," said Lieberman. "I look forward to working with Senator Crapo as we continue to discuss and promote the use of renewable energy and energy efficient technology in the 111th Congress."

The mission statement of the Senate Renewables and Energy Efficiency Caucus is to increase awareness of the various forms of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies in the United States. The bipartisan group does not favor specific legislation but does advise Senate colleagues about renewable energy issues.

The U.S. Senate Renewables and Energy Efficiency Caucus has grown to more than 30 members and has hosted numerous events and briefings to raise awareness about the importance of renewable energy. Hundreds of renewable energy groups have utilized the caucus and the assistance of individual members to display their ideas and technologies to consumers, and the group has become a conduit for the sharing of thousands of news articles and information relating to renewable energy and energy efficiency.