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U.S. National Debt:

Crapo Notes A Very Special Birthday

Constitution Day celebrated this week

Washington, DC â?? Idaho Senator Mike Crapo said recent debate in our nationâ??s capitol reflects once again the power of the U.S. Constitution, which turns 219 years old this week. September 17th is generally regarded as Constitution Day, but Crapo noted the entire week provides a good opportunity to reflect on how relevant our governing document has been over the more than 200 years it has been the benchmark of individual freedoms and liberty.Crapo worked with Idaho schools and the Idaho Department of Education to distribute informational packages about U.S. civics, including information about the Constitution. He also spoke with students about the issue and devoted time during his monthly â??Capitol Watchâ?? program to promote study of the Constitution. The packages went to every high school in the state to commemorate Constitution Day.â??This past year, weâ??ve heard much about the â??constitutionalityâ?? of programs or actions taken by the Administration or Congress. Just in the past six months, people have put the constitutionality question to a number of legislative actions, executive orders and administrative rules,â?? Crapo said.â??These national conversations eventually return to one standard: our Constitution. One entire branch of our government is devoted to interpreting the Constitution, making decisions about whether our lawsâ??instruments of stability, safety and orderâ??are allowed by our governmentâ??s founding document. And, perhaps most remarkably, the Constitution has withstood the test of time and massive change in our society and way of life. In 217 years, we have transformed from a predominately agrarian, isolated economy and society, through the industrial revolution to a world of computers and the phenomenon of high speed instantaneous worldwide communication, accessible to most anyone in the developed and developing world. â??Our Constitution gives us tools to apply the tenets of a free society to daily governance, and orchestrates the administration of the rule of law. Our freedoms are guaranteed precisely because we adhere to this rule of law, and is why our Constitution remains entirely relevant today,â?? Crapo added. â??I can think of no more compelling reason to celebrate the birthday of our Constitution.â?? # # #