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U.S. National Debt:

Crapo: Now is the Time to Tap Energy Resources At Home, Not Diminish Them

Washington, D.C.--U.S. Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) issued the following video statement stressing the need to end attacks on American oil and gas production.



To view Senator Crapo’s remarks, click HERE.


“Despite the latest attempts to blame the cost of gas solely on efforts to punish Russia for its premeditated attacks on a free and independent Ukraine, the skyrocketing cost of gas in Idaho and across the nation has been more than a year in the making.


“Just three years ago, under Republican leadership and prior to this Administration’s attacks on the oil and gas industry, the United States had become a net oil exporter for the first time since World War II.


“But just one year into the Biden Administration, gas prices rose 40 percent, oil imports increased and traditional energy producers at home have faced extensive attacks while foreign countries--many who are not friends with the United States--were encouraged by the Administration to produce more. 


“I support a ban on Russian energy imports and have introduced legislation to do just that.  But it must be replaced by American oil and gas production. 


“Instead, the Administration has gone so far as to consider deals to weaken sanctions on the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism--Iran--and another brutal, communist regime in Venezuela.


“All while the attacks on the Keystone XL pipeline and American oil and gas production continue.


“We must restore the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline and develop our own resources on our own federal lands and waters.


“Energy independence is a matter of national and economic security. 


“Now is the time to develop and tap into the resources here at home, not diminish them.” 

