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U.S. National Debt:

Crapo Presses For Comprehensive Plan To Lower Gas Prices

Washington, DC - Idaho Senator Mike Crapo voted today to keep the Senate on a path to negotiate a comprehensive plan to reduce gasoline prices. Crapo joined with a number of his colleagues to block an effort to turn floor attention away from resolving gasoline price issues and onto a different bill focusing on energy assistance. The effort failed, meaning a comprehensive bill is still possible.

"Idahoans and others have been sending us the message that Congress should not adjourn for the August state work period until we have approved comprehensive legislation to lower gasoline prices," Crapo said. "Comprehensive means we vote on a number of potential areas of concern, including speculation, more production of domestic oil to address supply and demand concerns, conservation and alternative forms of energy like nuclear production and wind power. The message from Idahoans and others has become quite clear-take the steps needed to reduce gasoline prices that soon may reach five dollars a gallon. And, do it in a way that addresses the problem on several fronts. That is exactly what many of us are continuing to do here in Washington."

The Senate today did adopt a housing package assisting homeowners with mortgage problems and giant lenders Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac. Crapo supported the housing reform package.