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U.S. National Debt:

Crapo, Risch Join Bipartisan Bill to Ensure National Guard Readiness

Washington, D.C.--U.S. Senators Mike Crapo and Jim Risch (both R-Idaho) joined Senators Mike Lee (R-Utah), Joe Manchin (I-West Virginia), Marco Rubio (R-Florida), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Amy Klobuchar (D-Minnesota), Steve Daines (R-Montana) and J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) in introducing the Guarding Readiness Resources Act.  This legislation provides an exemption from the Miscellaneous Receipts Act for State Active Duty (SAD) reimbursement payments intended for the National Guard Bureau, allowing these funds to be directed back to the National Guard units that incurred the expenses. 

“The National Guard continually protects us both at home and abroad,” said Crapo.  “This bill goes a long way in eliminating federal red tape to ensure readiness and provides the National Guard with the funding, resources and equipment to successfully carry out missions.”

“For too long, bureaucratic red tape has prevented the National Guard from receiving essential asset reimbursements needed to stay mission-ready,” said Risch.  “The Guarding Readiness Resources Act cuts through this red tape, ensuring the National Guard is prepared to protect our nation, both at home and abroad.”

“This legislation allows us to maintain readiness in order to fulfill our dual role as the primary combat reserve for the Army and Air Force as well as responding to emergencies in the homeland,” said Maj. Gen. Michael Garshak, the adjutant general of Idaho and the commander of the Idaho National Guard.

"The National Guard continuously responds to the dynamic domestic challenges this nation faces.  Immediate response often requires significant unforeseen state expenditures.  While the law allows for federal reimbursement, it is executed in such a way that states never see those much-needed funds.  This creates substantial budget gaps that threaten the readiness of the force,” said Retired Maj. Gen. Francis M. McGinn, president of the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS).  "The Guarding Readiness Resources Act corrects this oversight and ensures the National Guard has the necessary resources to effectively fulfill their mission.  We are grateful for the work of Senators Lee and Manchin and ask for full congressional support for inclusion in the FY25 NDAA."

"The scope of how we utilize the members of the National Guard today can consist of deployments overseas or service to our own communities," said Jeffrey Frisby, Executive Director of the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS).  "The dual mission of the National Guard to serve both the state and federal governments often creates blurry lines in pay, benefits, and even the utilization of military equipment. With the high standards of serviceability for military property, it is important that the funding is always there for repair, maintenance, and to ensure mission success.  The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States is thankful for the work of Senator Lee and Senator Manchin to ensure that we eliminate any delays in the funds that would be used to ensure National Guard equipment is always ready, for every mission, no matter where we are called to be next."

The legislation responds to a significant operational challenge faced by the National Guard.  While federal law permits the use of federal assets for state-directed missions, states must reimburse the National Guard Bureau when the mission is complete.  A funding shortfall results when these reimbursements are directed to the U.S. Treasury, rather than the appropriate Guard unit.