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U.S. National Debt:

Crapo, Risch Praise DOE-Idaho Spent Fuel, Waste Cleanup Agreement

Supplemental Agreement addresses breach, path forward for nuclear waste cleanup and handling at Idaho National Lab

Washington, D.C. -- Idaho Governor Brad Little and Attorney General Lawrence Wasden today reached an agreement with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) that will allow research quantities of commercial spent nuclear fuel to be brought to the Idaho National Laboratory (INL).  U.S. Senators for Idaho Mike Crapo and Jim Risch issued the following statements, praising the agreement. 

“This agreement is a good step forward for Idaho and the Department of Energy to ensure successful treatment and shipment of remaining nuclear waste out of Idaho,” said Crapo.  “Governor Brad Little, Attorney General Lawrence Wasden and Energy Secretary Rick Perry have worked diligently to come together to resolve previous uncertainties for the good of Idahoans and maintaining the lead Nuclear Lab status of the Idaho National Laboratory.” 

“Today’s announcement from the Governor’s office has been many years in the making,” said Risch.  “Thanks to this historic agreement by Governor Little, AG Wasden, and the Department of Energy, the Idaho National Lab will be able to conduct continued nuclear research critical to their mission while strengthening its position as a world leader on nuclear energy. This framework will benefit Idaho, the INL, and the nation for years to come, and I offer my sincere congratulations to Governor Little, AG Wasden, and the Department of Energy for coming together to make this agreement possible.” 

Link to 2019 Supplemental Agreement: 

Link to 1995 Settlement Agreement: 

Link to 2011 MOA: 

Link to relevant letters: 
