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U.S. National Debt:

Crapo, Risch Welcome Murkowski for INL Visit

Key Member on Energy, Appropriations Committees to tour site March 21

Washington, D.C.  - Idaho Senators Mike Crapo and Jim Risch today announced that the Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) will tour the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) on Friday, March 21st.  Murkowski, also a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, is coming to the lab at the request of Crapo and Risch.  Murkowski's visit to the Idaho National Lab site is notable, given her influential role as the Energy Committee's Ranking Member. This committee is the key Senate committee with oversight and legislative responsibilities for nuclear fuels research and development. Murkowski is also a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee's subcommittees relating to energy and water, homeland security and military construction.


"The expertise and expanse of scientific research and leadership at the Idaho National Lab is something every member of Congress should have the opportunity to see close up," noted Crapo.  "Even as we wind down some cleanup activities at the site, new research, military and security missions are being undertaken.  The long-term operations at the INL will always depend on support from the White House and Congress, but we have the expertise, experience and track record at the site that guarantees long-term success when these stories are told."


"I am looking forward to welcoming Ranking Member Murkowski to the INL," said Risch. "Idaho's history as a world leader in nuclear energy and the INL's position as the nation's preeminent nuclear energy research lab make us a unique player in the energy sector. I am pleased to share all that Idaho and the INL has to offer with my colleague from Alaska."


"The national laboratories are a key asset for the Department of Energy and the nation in supporting and advancing energy related technological innovations and cutting-edge science. It's important that we continue to support the research being conducted at our national laboratories into breakthrough technologies," said Murkowski.


Crapo and Risch advise that the agenda for Murkowski's visit is still being determined, but is expected to include tours of facilities deemed vital to U.S. planning regarding homeland security, research and the military.