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Will join panelists on land use issues during "Wild Idaho North"

Washington, DC - Idaho Senator Mike Crapo will be part of a panel discussion on solving land management issues through collaboration during the Idaho Conservation League's "Wild Idaho North" conference this weekend in Sandpoint. Crapo will speak Saturday during a panel discussion on wilderness and land use issues. He will point to his Owyhee Initiative legislation as a model for local collaboration and consensus that is needed to fuel reforms to land management policy or to create new legislation on land use and related issues, not only at the federal level, but the state and county levels as well.

"The enduring agreements are those involving all interest groups at the table," Crapo said. "Everyone gives up something, but in the end everyone can support the final product. That takes commitment and patience. Agreements on land use don't happen overnight, but given time they can provide lasting legacies to Idahoans and their willingness to collaborate. That is what we have seen with the Owyhee Initiative."

Crapo joins panel discussion on collaboration and Idaho land use issues as part of "Wild Idaho North:"

Saturday, October 20:
9:45 a.m. Sandpoint Joins Gary Macfarland of Friends of the Clearwater, John Gatchell of the Montana Wilderness Association and Jim Riley of the Intermountain Forest Association for a panel discussion entitled: Pros and Cons of Public Lands Collaboration. The conference is planned at the Sandpoint Community Center, 204 S. First Avenue.

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