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Crapo To Meet With Advocates, Law Enforcement At Long Valley Domestic Violence Center

Senator, group work to end â??devastating violenceâ??

Washington, DC â?? Idaho Senator Mike Crapo will meet with Long Valley Families in Crisis, a non-profit group dedicated to providing intervention services to victims of domestic violence, during a visit to Cascade next week. Crapo, who has been active in domestic violence prevention efforts in Idaho and the U.S. Senate, will learn more about Families in Crisis programs and address the challenges in combating domestic violence in rural Idaho during his visit to the center on Wednesday, August 4th. â??Idahoans and all Americans can and must do a better job recognizing and preventing domestic violence,â?? Crapo said. â??Statistics say that about one and one-half million women are raped and/or physically assaulted by an intimate partner every year in our country, and unfortunately these numbers are only an amplification of what occurs in Idaho. Efforts at the federal level play a part in fighting this terrible problem, but are certainly not cure-alls. On the ground efforts by the many Idaho domestic violence shelters, health and education professionals, and law enforcement officials are more effective and important.â?? â??Men who are not victims of domestic violence themselves have a particularly important role to play in combating this type of crime,â?? Crapo added. â??We must step up to the plate and set an example in our homes and communities by not tolerating this devastating violence. We must encourage and empower those who need to change their own behavior, to take the initiative, have the courage to be honest with themselves and seek helpâ?? Crapo has sponsored several legislative efforts to stop domestic violence, including working to increase services and assistance available under the Violence Against Women Act. He won Congressional approval for â??Cassieâ??s Law,â?? a law inspired by Idahoâ??s Cassie Dehl, that initiated federal assistance for the first time for women in dating relationships. Crapo is also appearing in a statewide television campaign against domestic violence in Idaho. Long Valley Families in Crisis serves Round Valley, Smiths Ferry, Cascade, Donnelly, Lake Fork and McCall. While in Valley County, Crapo will also meet with the Valley County Commissioners and the Payette National Forest Supervisor, and tour the Valley County Fair, Brundage Mountain Resort and the Warren Mining District. # # #