Senator says Rice, Bodman, Leavitt, Nicholson good choices
Washington, DC â?? Idaho Senator Mike Crapo voted with the majority today as the U.S. Senate confirmed the first four members of President Bushâ??s second term Cabinet. Crapo supported Secretary of State-designate Condoleezza Rice because of her strong background and career in foreign policy both in and outside of government and says Rice also brings other qualities for consideration, saying she offers continuity at the U.S. Department of State. Additionally, Crapo says Rice stands out as a successful role model for women and minorities.â??President Bush has had an outstanding Secretary of State in Colin Powell and there are not many people who could replace him, making Condoleezza Rice an excellent choice,â?? Crapo said. â??Dr. Rice has been an architect of our National Security Strategy and a central player in the war against terrorism. She has already served three Presidents and has worked extensively in Middle East policy, as well as with Russian and Chinese relations.â??Crapo added, â??Dr. Rice has won the trust of the President, his staff, and many of us in the Congress. Her work and success have made her a role model for leadership among women and minorities in the federal government. For these reasons, and many others, I expect her to be overwhelmingly accepted by members of Congress as she begins her work as Secretary.â??Crapo also voted today to support three other nominations from the White House. He supports new Energy Secretary Samuel Bodmanâ??s call to prioritize a national energy policy. â??I am renewing my call that energy policy revisions be made a high priority in the Presidentâ??s second term and before this Congress. I look forward to working with Secretary Bodman on these energy priorities and am confident he will be a strong advocate for energy research, such as the nuclear research planned in Idaho at the Idaho National Laboratory,â?? Crapo said.Crapo had already voted to support incoming Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt during a hearing of the Senate Finance Committee, of which he is a new member this session. He also supports incoming Secretary of Veterans Affairs Jim Nicholson. â??I have long respected Mike Leavittâ??s leadership as the former governor of Utah and as EPA Administrator, and I am confident Jim Nicholson will bring the energy we need at a critical time at the Department of Veterans Affairs,â?? Crapo added.# # #