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U.S. National Debt:


Urges input as federal delisting process now underway

Washington, DC â?? Todayâ??s announcement to begin the delisting process for wolves in Idaho should be viewed as a success story, according to Idaho Senator Mike Crapo. Crapo, who plans to reintroduce legislation encouraging increased landowner involvement in recovering endangered species (the Collaboration for the Recovery of the Endangered Species Act, or CRESA), says the wolf decision now allows Idahoans to get involved in completing the delisting process. In the previous Congress, Crapoâ??s bill, S. 2110, was the Senateâ??s only bipartisan effort to improve the ESA. Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-Arkansas) was the original co-sponsor on the measure.â??The reintroduction of wolves was, and is, controversial and emotional,â?? Crapo said. â??When Idaho takes over day-to-day wolf management, people, wolves, other affected species and livestock will find the right balance. I, along with the other members of Idahoâ??s Congressional Delegation, asked the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to look at what Idahoans have accomplished regarding the recovery of wolves. The conclusion is that the introduction of wolves in Idaho is a biological success. It is important to continue operating the existing program in a responsible manner for both people and the species. I am confident that the State of Idaho and the Nez Perce Tribe will professionally manage wolves and assure long-term success that has much broader, if not unanimous, public support.â??Crapo urged Idahoans to offer constructive feedback to ensure a smooth transition from federal to Idaho control. â??Input from around the state and recent science point to one conclusion: The key to success in the de-listing process is moving from federal to local control and placing wolf recovery in the hands of state experts. I am pleased that Idaho has wolf management authority from the USFWS. My goal is to see wolves delisted in Idaho.â??