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U.S. National Debt:

Delegation Reacts To Energy Secretaryâ??s Resignation

Appreciated Abrahamâ??s attention to Idaho lab

WASHINGTON, D.C. â?? Idahoâ??s Congressional Delegation offered praise today for Secretary of Energy Spencer Abrahamâ??s work, especially as it related to the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory. Today, Secretary Abraham announced that he will resign from President Bushâ??s cabinet once his successor is confirmed. Idaho Senator Larry Craig thanked him, stating, â??Secretary Abraham has been an asset to Idaho. His tenacity for securing the future of the INEEL and reshaping its mission as the nationâ??s premier nuclear power research facility served Idaho and the nation well. I will work with President Bush to ensure the next Secretary of Energy understands the importance of the new Idaho National Laboratory to our nationâ??s future.â?? Senator Mike Crapo said, â??Secretary Abraham has been a strong Energy Secretary and provided tremendous leadership during his tenure. I have appreciated his advocacy for the INL. In particular, his recognition that the lab could and should be the lynchpin of our nationâ??s nuclear energy research programs has been invaluable as the Idaho congressional delegation has worked on behalf of the INL and its employees. I wish him the best as he pursues other opportunities in the future.â?? â??I have enjoyed working with Secretary Abraham over the last four years and believe he has done an admirable job leading the Department of Energy for President Bush,â?? said Congressman Mike Simpson. â??While we haven't agreed on every single DOE action, Secretary Abraham has been a fair and honest participant in our discussions regarding the INL. His commitment to rebuilding our nation's nuclear industry has brought a new mission to the INL and a renewed sense of promise for nuclear energy research and development programs. I thank him for his leadership and wish him the best in his future endeavors.â?? â??Secretary Abraham has been a champion for America's energy independence. I've been proud to work with him as a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, where he has consistently impressed me with his knowledge, vision and dedication to energy diversity and innovation,â?? Congressman C.L. â??Butchâ?? Otter said. â??The interests of domestic energy production, a more secure energy grid, alternative energy sources, and especially the next generation of safer, more efficient nuclear reactors all were advanced on Secretary Abraham's watch. The people of Idaho owe him a debt of gratitude for his service.â?? NOTE: To link directly to this release, please use the following link: [30]