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U.S. National Debt:

Delegation Reacts To Mexico Reopening Market To U.S. Beef

Washington, DC - Idahoâ??s Congressional Delegation applauded an announcement by Mexico that it will once again allow imports of U.S. beef products, opening up a valuable market to American beef producers. U.S. Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman said Mexico agreed to lift the two-month old ban after U.S. officials provided extensive information as to the safety of American beef. "This is a very welcome announcement that will surely provide a boost in negotiations with Japan, Korea, and other important trading partners,â?? Senator Larry Craig said. â??The USDA has acted quickly and effectively with the strong support and assistance from the beef industry and Congress to make this happen. Mexico is a large market for Idaho beef producers, and this announcement and continued progress towards renewed trade for beef products is an excellent sign for prices and a return to a more stable market in the U.S." "As beef production is a vital part of Idaho's economy, this is great news for all Idahoans,â?? said Senator Mike Crapo. â??I commend the Bush Administration for their diligence in regaining this vital market, and encourage continued persistence to reopen the doors of our other trading partners. We have every reason to have confidence in the continued safety of our beef, and Mexico's action makes it clear that we are making headway in restoring our trading partnersâ?? faith in our beef exports." "I am very pleased to hear the hard work by USDA officials along with everyone involved in the American cattle industry is beginning to pay dividends with respect to once again accessing our key export markets,â?? Congressman Mike Simpson said. â??Mexico is our second largest exporter, and this is no doubt a step in the right direction. It is my hope our other trading partners will follow the lead of Mexico and Secretary Usabiaga and recognize America is still home to the safest highest quality beef in the world." "I'm pleased that the Mexican government recognizes the meticulous procedures that our system and producers maintain to ensure the uniform safety and quality of American beef,â?? said Congressman C.L. â??Butchâ?? Otter. â??By reopening its market to these U.S. exports, Mexico is expressing a welcome vote of confidence in the American marketplace, and in the trade partnership that is so important to both nations. It's good news for Idaho ranchers, packers and the entire agriculture industry." # # #