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U.S. National Debt:

Delegation Welcomes INL Cleanup Announcement

Idaho Treatment Group named for waste processing contract at Idaho Lab

Washington, D.C.    Members of Idaho's Congressional Delegation said today they appreciate the announcement by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) that today named the Idaho Treatment Group (ITG) as the recipient of a $417 million contract to process and dispose of approximately 26,500 cubic meters of transuranic and mixed low-level waste that is stored in Idaho and will be bound forstorage in New Mexico.  The contract runs through 2015 and will likely continue employment for 800 workers in Southeast Idaho.

"The incumbent contractor, Bechtel-BWXT, Idaho (BBWI), has made significant progress completing and exceeding its mission," said Senator Mike Crapo.  "BBWI proved to be a valuable community partner and they have instituted a strong safety culture.  I look forward to working with Idaho Treatment Group to carry on and complete the mission safely and in compliance with the 1995 Settlement Agreement."

"This announcement means we will, of course, continue cleanup at the INL site, protecting Idaho's environment and economy," said Senator Jim Risch.  "I am hopeful that it is further indication that the administration intends to live up to its legal obligations by removing all waste from Idaho."

"The Department of Energy today chose the Idaho Treatment Group as the next contractor to run the Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project and I look forward to working with them to continue the success of the project and to meet the requirements of the Idaho Settlement Agreement," said Congressman Mike Simpson.  "The Idaho Treatment Group team is made up of a number of partners, many of whom are already very familiar with the cleanup process in Idaho including Babcock and Wilcox, URS/WGI, and Energy Solutions.  I am confident they will hit the ground running once the contract changes hands.  At the same time, it is important that we recognize the tremendous work and accomplishments of the incumbent contractor, Bechtel-BWXT, and offer our gratitude to them and their workforce for a job well done.  They have maintained their focus through repeated delays to, and extensions of, this contract and have been a valued contributor toward the community throughout the duration of their contract."