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U.S. National Debt:

Idaho Congressional Delegation Demands Biden’s Department of Education Protect Jewish & Pro-Israel Students

Washington, D.C.--Amid growing protests across colleges and universities in America, U.S. Senators Mike Crapo and Jim Risch and U.S. Representatives Mike Simpson and Russ Fulcher (all R-Idaho) are demanding answers from the U.S. Department of Education and calling for U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona to create and distribute a best practices guide for universities to appropriately handle protests on campuses.

“Given the growing number of radical encampments on college campuses and the harassment of Jewish students, we are concerned about their safety and ability to freely voice their views and practice a faith of their choice,” Idaho's Congressional Delegation wrote. “ . . . As Congress holds hearings and continues to investigate the presidents of universities who have harbored and allowed these violent protestors to target Jewish students on their campuses, the Department must respond directly.”

The congressional leaders are demanding the Department provide its plan for protecting students as well as provide information as to whether and how the Department will hold universities accountable for their failures.

In the letter, the Delegation outlined several antisemitic protests on college campuses nationwide, including:

Given some universities have managed to handle these protests substantially better than others, like the University of Florida, the Delegation is calling on the Secretary of Education to compile a list of best practices from universities that have correctly handled these protests and prevented them from escalating.  The goal of the list is “to encourage all universities to take the correct approach. . .”

The full letter is available here.