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U.S. National Debt:

Idaho Delegation Reacts To INEEL Management Changes

Compliments achievements at the site under Shippâ??s tenure

WASHINGTON, DC - Idaho Senators Larry Craig and Mike Crapo and Idaho Congressmen Mike Simpson and C.L. â??Butchâ?? Otter, reacted today to the announcement of changes in the management team at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) by Bechtel BWXT Idaho, including the departure and retirement later this year of President and General Manager Dr. Bill Shipp. â??I want to thank Dr. Shipp for his service to the INEEL. The list of accomplishments under Billâ??s tenure should be a genuine source of pride to him and his team. Upon his retirement later this year, it sounds like he will be turning his attention to the important things in life - family and fishing. I wish him the best,â?? Senator Larry Craig said. â??Between the two Pauls - Divjak and Kerns â?? the important business of the INEEL will be in extremely capable hands.â?? â??Bill Shipp has been a strong advocate for the INEEL,â?? said Senator Mike Crapo. â??He has worked very closely with the Idaho Delegation and the Governor's office, and we wish him the best.â??"Bill Shipp has overseen some very impressive accomplishments at the INEEL over the last few years in both cleanup and research," said Representative Mike Simpson. "He has always been open and honest with the Idaho Delegation and I've appreciated his dedication to Idaho and the INEEL. At the same time, I'm looking forward to working with Paul Divjak and Paul Kearns in their new positions. My staff and I have worked closely with each of them over the past few years and we know they are committed to seeing the labs new mission succeed and cleanup objectives accomplished."â??Dr. Shipp has set a high standard of achievement, collaboration and community outreach at the INEEL,â?? said Congressman C.L. â??Butchâ?? Otter. â??It's been a real pleasure to work with him and his staff in my capacity as a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. I look forward to joining his successors in continuing the progress that Bechtel BWXT Idaho, its research partners and Idaho's congressional delegation have made toward new and expanded missions at the site.â??[30]