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U.S. National Debt:

March for Life: A Moral Responsibility to Protect the Most Vulnerable Among Us

Washington, D.C.--On the 52nd Annual National March for Life, U.S. Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) reaffirmed his commitment to pro-life policies and announced efforts he has undertaken to protect life so far in the 119th Congress.

“Life is a precious gift from God,” said Crapo.  “Protecting the rights of the unborn is paramount in fostering the respect for human life from the moment of conception.  We have a moral responsibility to protect the most vulnerable among us.”

To protect the right to life, Senator Crapo has:

  • Signed a letter to President Trump asking him to reinstate certain pro-life policies implemented during his first term.  Specifically, the letter asks the Trump Administration to restore the Protect Life Rules to prevent taxpayer dollars from funding abortions in the U.S. and abroad.  Additionally, the letter calls for the reinstatement of conscience protection regulations rolled back by the previous Administration.
  • Co-sponsored the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to mandate appropriate medical care for any child who survives an attempted abortion and penalize the intentional killing of a born-alive child.  The Senate failed to adopt the procedural motion to vote on the bill. 
  • Co-sponsored the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, which would prohibit the use of federal funds to cover the cost of abortions.  This measure would make permanent the restrictions on federal funding of abortions outlined in the Hyde Amendment.

Senator Crapo recently received an A+ on the Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America’s 118th Congress scorecard.
