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U.S. National Debt:


Crapo notes USDA grants for Idaho agriculture

Washington, DC - Two Idaho renewable energy projects have been rewarded with federal grants under the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Section 9006 Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Improvements Program. Idaho Senator Mike Crapo, the Ranking Member of the Senate Agriculture Committee's Subcommittee on Rural Revitalization, Conservation, Forestry and Credit, noted the USDA Rural Development loans and grants help rural economies while saving energy resources.

"The 9006 program has assisted farmers and ranchers and the overall rural economy by benefiting projects from wind turbines to alternative fuel production like biodiesel," Crapo noted.

The program distributed $18.2 million this year to projects in 37 states. Those projects selected for funding in Idaho include:

• River Ranch of King Hill - $15,000 for improving energy-efficient irrigation models saving both energy and water.
• Way-Out-Wayan, Kirk and Annette Christensen of Soda Springs - $3,685 for conversion to solar energy for their rural business.