We, without a doubt, rely heavily upon broadband technology for business, government and personal activities. As more Americans have worked from home and homeschooled...
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In recognition of Flag Day, I wrote this column weeks ago to commemorate our flag and national anthem. Today, as our country grapples with division and some have used...
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As Congress works with the Administration to consider the next phases of federal support to address the impacts of the pandemic, I am advocating for getting resources to...
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On May 8, 1945, Americans, with our allies around the world, celebrated Nazi Germany’s surrender ending World War II in Europe. Many American troops stationed in...
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Even in these uncertain times, as the pandemic has torn across our world taking lives and livelihoods, Idahoans are moving forward. I have been proud to work closely...
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Reports indicate crisis centers and law enforcement agencies have seen a rise in domestic violence incidents as communities face increased strain from the impacts of the...
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As schools closed nationwide to help curb the spread of the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, millions of school-aged children suddenly started being homeschooled. Many...
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Idaho farmers, ranchers and agricultural workers are among those continuing to work hard every day to put food on our tables--despite the personal health threat of the novel...
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Making sure health care providers, big and small, have the resources necessary to keep those on the frontlines safe and combat the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, is the most...
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Congress and the Trump Administration have enacted three phases of legislation providing resources to support the fight against the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19. Most...
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As the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, has spread across our world, our communities have confronted this unprecedented challenge head on. In the face of adversity, we...
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The coronavirus, or COVID-19, pandemic has challenged our sense of normalcy, and it has tested every institution of daily life we know. The crisis has had a major impact...
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The Senate Banking Committee recently held a hearing on the reauthorization of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, which expires at the end of...
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We have heard about people in our communities, neighbors, friends, or even family, falling victim to robocall scams and losing significant amounts of money and security of...
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Recording the life stories of Idaho veterans helps ensure their service is honored in a way that enables us to learn from their examples. Over the years, I have...
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Idahoans who visit our United States Capitol Building may have seen Idaho’s contributions to the collection of statues donated by each state to honor people notable in...
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